Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A tour

In pulling out of my tour to Finland, I had a bit of a problem in finding the entry door via; however, I believe I got there through the tag 'classical' (as in music) which took me to Sibelius, and from there to a host of Finnish surprises. The tags within Finland are comprehensive; the 'films' thought provoking, the Savonlinnan Opera Festival very creative with a different type of art. Within the time I had, I picked up a number of tips on a wide rage of national experiences worth following in future. Naturally, most of the text is in Finnish, but there was enough English to encourage curiosity. The great treat for this traveller was the opportunity to hear the voice of Jean Sibelius, something I did not expect in a crash course tag tour. (What an interesting country!)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


In searching WebFeat, I went to my town, which is in the shire of Surrey, south of the suburban megolith Surbiton and just north of historical Guildford. It played host to H. G. Wells' imagaination when he created 'War of the Worlds'. Since it really is a 'town' (in the less than cement sense of the word), one might think that one knew a thing or two about it. Unfortunately, it is growing, and the facts I came across in WebFeat rather amazed me. Also, mind boggling was the plethora (CM) of information, ranging from literary associations to new structures, biography, history, to name but a few. While the entries I pulled up were abstracts of abstracts, there was still enough information to encourage one to research further if piqued. WebFeat would be a nice drizzling Sunday afternoon hobby: broadening one's perception of a subject so that one might approach it from a different angle.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wk Four Post

At the appropriate time, I did a RSS Post; however, in it were included the host of blogline e-mail addresses to which I had subscribed. Eventually, those addresses managed to turn the blog into something like an octopus's embrace: the blog stuck to the screen with such a tenacity that only switching off the pc would answer the problem. Tom C.* took a look and spotted the problem pretty quickly so that particular posting with its bloglines is gone. I suppose one might call it one of those 'learning experiences': just because they are out there does not mean one should eat all the goodies in the sideshow - at least, not those particular goodies.

*Thanks, Tom.