Friday, July 11, 2008

Web 2.0 awards

I am afraid I had to come away with three favourites, which I appreciate is two over the top; however, it was difficult to calculate the merits and host a run-off. For me, the most exciting was VisualComplexity (Visual Arts) because I appreciated the in-depth approach to lots of stimulating images, and I enjoyed what the contributors had to say. PBWiki (Hosted Wikis) seemed very good at teaching what it was about; and, there was Biblio (Books), a catalogue, which was neither teaching nor commenting; but it did list a book I had been thinking about at a lower price than I had found elsewhere, and that was worth a round of applause! Also, I liked the way Biblio was designed.

As for applications within the Library, it would be awfully nice to see the PPMs turned into an internal website with helpful tags tying together similar subjects; and, certainly, the Supervisors' Manual could do with a tagged, web/wiki approach.

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