Monday, July 14, 2008

Zig Z. on Digital

My choice of audiobook for an 'excursion' was Zig Ziglar's 'Conversations with my Dog', which had an immediate touch of reality, if little Caesar was what Mr. Z. and his wife ('Sugar Baby') wanted. Anyone who has been around corgis knows that they appear to be made to take control once their stubby little feet hit the carpet as they seem to understand that sheep and humans are not dissimilar, and that is what 'Taffy' does in the opening lines of this audio. The 'excursion' allowed a listener to decide whether the audio publisher had selected a reader whose voice projected a certain quality from the book. As Mr. Ziglar reads his own words, the bite is a fait accompli. I was left with a bit of a cliffhanger as I reserved the digital book just to see what would happen, and was 'redirected to a connection that is not secure' (more angst). Exactly what will happen when it is ready, I am yet to learn. ...

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