Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wiki World

Perhaps my discovery within the world of wiki might be the possibility of speed in things experimental. If a particular wiki were able to attract the imagination of the right group of individuals, the union should result in valuable problem solving. It seems very much a thing of knowing where to go and keeping up with the issues. One item which was rather revealing occurred when a reader pointed out that she found the information she needed for a conference on the wiki site rather than on the official site for the conference.

How might a wiki be used within a library system? Various types of wikis: a) one for new recruits for the purpose of sharing new patron serving ideas - or survival tips; b) brainstorming wikis for everyone on what ideas are needed at a particular moment; c) obviously, a Reference Desk wiki for research exchange. As new problems arise, new short term wikis could be announced.

1 comment:

DNA-2012 said...

I was looking at the blogs in the "favorite blog" section in the PBCLS Sandbox, and I noticed that you entered your email address not your blog URL.